Jax Church Rebrand



Create a focused identity that captured the essence of this church in a modern way and could be easily shared and broadcasted to the surrounding community.  Then create new and effective communication channels both inside and outside the church to harness the new branding.


As of 2016, the church was using many different names (The Jacksonville Church of Christ, JCOC, The Jacksonville Church, JCC, etc) and was lacking a cohesive identity to present to the surrounding Jacksonville community. Some of the names, like “JCC”, often makes people feel like outsiders and can be confusing. Some of the other names like “The Jacksonville Church of Christ” created confusion with other similarly named churches in the area.

After spending time in deep discovery with the church, it was determined that:

= There are over 20 cities in the United States with the name Jacksonville in the United States.

= “Jacksonville Church” or “Jacksonville Church of Christ” were names of churches found in many other US cities, not unique, and thus made it confusing for people when searching online. They would often end up in the wrong state.

= The names JCOC and JCC added confusion not clarity, and felt like insider lingo to those outside the church.

Upon working through our deep branding process to determine a cohesive identity that captured the essence of the church and also was understandable, the name that became the clear winner was “Jax Church” for these reasons:

= Jax Church is unique only to Jacksonville, Fl.

= “Jax” is embedded in the DNA of the local community and is on signs all over the city (“Jax Beaches” on the highway signs), and the desire of the church is to be embedded into the community.

= Jax Church is unique only to Jacksonville, Fl.

= Jax Church is much easier to share with people: “I go to Jax Church”.

= The name Jax Church was surprisingly not taken by any other church in the area.

= Jax Church is not far off from the original name.

= We were able to bid and get the URL jaxchurch.com.


The Jacksonville Church of Christ logo was not professionally designed and actually only existed in a flattened jpeg file so could not be properly used in different communication channels. After a deep discovery process, it was clear that the values needed for logo were community, love, and a beach and sky vibe (Jacksonville is a beach city).

A brand new Jax Church logo was created from 4 hearts which form a uniquely intertwined logo. The symbolism of the redesigned Jax Church logo is that individual hearts (representing people and households) are coming together in love to form a beautifully intertwined and unique community. Color reflects a modern and beach city vibe.


A modern, gorgeous new website was created with all authentic, custom-shot footage video so people could be fully immersed and feel the brand of the church before ever setting foot in the door.



The church app was redesigned and refreshed with the Jax Church branding and messaging.


The church newsletter was redesigned and refreshed to be modern and clean and match the branding.

Creative Team
Logo: David Galliford
Design and Animation: Frank Suarez
Website Implementation: Robert Galofre

  • Jax Church
  • Branding
  • Strategy Planning
  • Graphic Design
  • Motion Graphics
  • Website Design

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